
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Southeast Corner

This is a tentative summary of the larger plants around the Towson Y,  which became a regular Covid-19 project.  Just interested if the identifications can be done by an amateur without looking at the landscape plan.  It is about as natural as anywhere  else on the planet at this point.   This blog is intended to stay at the simplest possible level but I will use some latin terms to help in computer searches.  This will make it easier for commenters to verify or change the identification.  Let's stay with the larger more obvious plants to start.  There will be a series of posts moving counter-clockwise  around the Y campus.  Every plant has a story, but we will flesh those out later, keeping the initial notes to a few lines.  I could envision a reader or a team of readers drilling down into the details of one or more plants. The exciting thing about starting this season is to follow the dynamic changes, as the slumber of winter ...