The Main Circle
Look at the six trees in the circle in front of the main entrance. Under "Meditations" we have mentioned the lichen. We predicted that these trees were raised somewhere less polluted than the east coast or they would not have had so much lichen. The lichen are sensitive indicators of air pollution particularly lead particles. We said that the lichen does not damage the tree but needs a lot of light. Therefore it may predict that the leafy canopy in the summer may be thinner than ideal for the tree. The lichen should be more on the sunny south side. And we also guessed that the trees may be a cultivar of honey locust. But here the point is confirm the identification and watch the dynamic changes in the next three months. As far as the ID, there is a faint memory of pinnately compound leaves. Ordinarily we would ( for variant of honey locust) be looking for thorns on the limbs and pods on the ground. But if you were a tree wanting t...