What's Happening Last Week July

Since last week there is a ragweed plant growing up at the edge of a rough garden near the playing field, incase anyone wants to point out ragweed. The purple flower nearby is one of the thistles. The leaves of one of the maples have a yellow pattern interspersed with green. The author of "How Plants Work" says this may be an indication of abnormal minerals in the soil. Or another suggestion is too much phosphate around the roots. Every leaf has a story. There is a hearty little mulberry tree trying to grow up through the pavement . At the far northeast corner we missed a unusual tree which is mentioned here, probably a paper bark maple. It is not a native but in an overgrown area (poison ivy) so not in the recent plantings at the time of building the Y. One ragweed plant so far, not a hazard, just an example Something going on with this maple, possible chlorosis indicating abnormal minerals or too much phosphate in soil? One of the thistles in ...