Plant List North

This is a smaller group just to the north of the last parking lot pavement.  On the right side near the lot is an oak, behind that two redbud trees ( one more like a bush).  Behind the redbuds are two more white pines and behind the pines is a large old hickory of unknown type.  East of the hickory is a small lonely oak with leaves unlike the other oaks we have seen.  It is a little like the blackjack oak in the Maryland Tree Key.
Oak with a little different leaf

The hickory would normally be my favorite if tree but it is covered with poison ivy.

View of north area with the large hickory left

Hickory nut, unknown type, This may be one of the oldest trees on the property

The Linden or Lime Tree at the north end. This may be the only tree with this
pattern of seeds. Large heart shaped leaves.
Linden or Lime Tree

Leaves of the redbud at the north end

In the middle of this north group, near the parking lot is a linden.  Comments are often about its other name "lime tree" which appears in English novels.  On the left side near the northwest corner is a sycamore.  Comments might be whether a sycamore or the related hybrid London plane tree.

On the east side of the north driveway there are four serviceberries, some struggling Virginia pines down the hill, and a couple of Hollies.  Just north of the Virginia pines, in a overgrown area is a small Princess tree.  This is another common invasive.  The last 3 trees near the road going north are, we think, more American Hornbeam or related tree.

                                        Virginia Pine

Probable Princess tree. Common in the area. The leaves are opposite
versus others such as Catalpa and Katsura.

On the west side of the north exit starting from the path leading into the woods, are a sycamore,  a mulberry tree, some viburnums ( variable group ) and more hornbeams.

Viburnum different from the viburnum outside the pool. There are hundreds of species.
This may be southern arrow wood or "dentata"

Three shots of American Hornbeam , leaves ,seeds and trunk.  Do you see a
muscular trunk?

Variable mulberry leaves, some mitten-shaped



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