What's Happening August
There are fewer dramatic changes. At least six trees are making seeds. A good time to make identifications. There are the maples, the ash, the box elders (also maple), the hornbeam, the lindens and the tree of heaven. The seeds could also identify which subtype of maple or ash. Hornbeams are along the north exit, linden on the north side, box elders on the east fence, maples and ash scattered near the southeast corner. There are also some acorns forming which might identify which oaks are which.
There are a couple of new trumpet-shaped flowers. The showy white flower in the overgrown flower bed is a mallow, relative of hibiscus. Comments are about toxicity (trumpet shape in general) but probably not this species. Also comments on tendency to turn toward sun, probably a general orientation but not active turning like sunflowers. Scattered hear and there are field bind weed flowers. These are similar to morning glories and would have to watch the growth pattern to be sure. There are comments about their toxicity as well. There are comments about the bindweed being toxic to some animals.
Indian blanket in the main circle, it is purely gardening but does catch the eye |
One of the golden rods in the west flower bed Bee pollenated, compared to the ragweed nearby. Not too much allergy |
Rose mallow in the west flower bed,from above |
Rose mallow in the west flower bed, possibly facing the sun? |
This morning glory shows the range of colors for the gardener not seen in the bindweed |
Bindweed with the arrow-shaped leaves. Similar to morning glory. In the south over-grown flower bed. |
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